* This is a class that I have written with a great deal of difficulty, thinking about how easy it is to explain what was difficult to understand when you learned from an undergraduate position. There are many great lessons to teach on the Internet and other books. However, sometimes we find a simple solution by asking a friend who is good at studying than the teacher gave a lecture. The reason is that as we learn together, we have become ‘ empathy ’ when we face difficulties in meeting the difficulty of our friends. Even though it is a lecture that is not enough, as my friend teaches me, it is a lecture that I tried to share with my friends easily. First, you should look for another good class. I think there will be some helpful people. Welcome to feedback and questions.
I would appreciate your understanding if my translation is faulty. Because I am Korean and I am not good at writing English.
Before start, I would like to say to those who read this article, "Do not give up if you do not understand, but just keep watching."
Because, In the middle, there is a term that you do not understand or a difficult concept that you can not understand because you do not understand yet.
Therefore, do not be too frustrated and I hope you will continue your learning.
Learning grammar at first may not be fun, but after learning a little, what you can do is endless and very fun.
Java is one of the most popular languages for developers.
The range of applications in Java is endless. Because it is a compatible language, it has large applications range.
It is also used for Android application production, game production, web server and web page construction.
So, how do you learn Java?
First, the environment needs to be built.
You need to install the JDK(Java Development Kit) provided by Oracle and Eclipse, which allows you to write programs based on this.
Eclipse is an Integrated Development Enviroment software.
(There are other IDE tools, but Eclipse is the most representative.) Both of these software are available free of charge.
First, you need to download the Java Development Kit (JDK). Click the link below.
Let's install Java SE version.
→ http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html
Click on DOWNLOAD in the red box.
If the following window pops up, check the Accept License Agreement and download it according to your operating system, bit.
Download and run it, then press Next all the way to complete the installation.
Next, you should be install Eclipse.
If it is 64 bit, please click on DOWNLOAD 64 BIT and install.
If you have 32 bit, please click on the Download Packages below and see the image below.
→ Click 32 bit on Eclipse IDE for Java Developers to download.
After downloading, please run eclipse.exe from above image and install it.
After the installation is complete, run Eclipse and the following window will appear.
This is a window asking where you want to save programs. Set the location, check Use this as default and do not ask again, and press OK and the message will not appear again.
→Eclipse run screen
This completes the Java environment build.
I have finished the preparation, so I will start the class next time.
If you have any questions, please post your comment.
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